The accumulated centuries of knowledge, traditional healers, allow each person to choose for himself in the drug, to resolve a pungent impotence in bed. Revenue for the power to suggest the use of herbal medicines and food products. It is important to note that the use of drugs should be a long one: the components of the natural world are different, the cumulative effect of, respectively, the need to fine-tune the long-term course of treatment.

The effective income to increase the power
Effective, revenue-raising power in the male – practice-of-herbal teas, alcohol tinctures, various herbal teas. It is also helpful to use special dishes-an aphrodisiac, stimulant, the excitement on an emotional level.
Ginger drink
Ginger – one of the most popular natural stimulants. In addition, it enables the circulation of the blood, and the synthesis of the hormone testosterone, have been fighting with the problem of early ejaculation, it normalizes the emotional background.
Also, the plant has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, and rids itself of urological diseases. Along with the honey, which is a potent activator of the power of his horns to the root of it is one of the most effective means of combating the erectile dysfunction in men.
The world's most popular drink-tea with ginger. It is prepared in the following manner:
- Bring to a boil 2 liters of water.
- Take the root fresh, and clean, chop them finely and pour off the liquid oxygen, the boiling;
- Subtract the gas and simmer the drink for 15 minutes.
- To add, looking down at the slice of lemon and a little honey;
- Consumed by the glass with meals.
A more exotic environment – the coffee with the ginger. Recipe preparation:
- Take of ginger in powder, the cinnamon, the cardamom, and rosemary;
- As such they should be a mixture of the components.
- Cook as well as a coffee shop, aspect ratio – ½ tsp of the tea pot into the cup.
The dye in calamus
The plant in the swamp, aprs solves a number of tasks.
The front desk of the potion, with a plan to help:
- To recover the sexual desire;
- To stabilize the erection;
- Dealing with a disease that is sexual and the urinary systems.
- In order to intensify the flow of blood to your genitals;
- To increase the vitality.
To make a tincture of the root base of the herb, you need to:
- Grind it up into powder and 100 g of root;
- Pour in a pint of vodka and of high quality;
- To insist 2 weeks in a dark place;
- A few days to shake;
- Drinking of 5 ml before breakfast and dinner.

The vitamin a in the mix
The combination of nuts, dried fruit, and honey that are able to overcome many of the the signs of erectile dysfunction in men. For such mixtures, it is very simple and easy to make at home, plus they are tasty and nutritious.
Effective with the meals are prepared so as to:
- In a glass blender pour in about 250 ml of the flowers, and the honey. Had to add 180 g of the dried apricots and prunes. Clean 150 g of chopped walnuts, and add it to the component. Mash up of the state of a homogeneous mass. You will need to eat 1 tablespoon of it twice a day, washed down with a tub of yogurt or to mix with sour cream;
- Mix 100 g of cleaned pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts or filberts, and the walnuts. Grind them in a convenient way. Day of dosing – 1 teaspoon of the soup. Prior to the dietary intake to mix with the honey in a ratio of 3:1.
Scrambled egg on to the power
In essence, the revenue for the power-men to take on the preparation of the herbal tea, however, is an efficient and very fast, having an erection is, can be, with a fried egg, cooked in a special way.
On the basis of a 3-component, positively affecting sexual consistency
- Eggs contain the necessary men for the protein and the substance, enabling the production of testosterone;
- The onion provides a great level of sex hormones, sharpen the sensitivity of penis and boosts the micro-circulation in the body;
- With garlic, lay on the walls of the blood vessels, and compared to the corresponding activity of the pathogen when bacterial prostatitis.
Deep-fry the scrambled eggs, and it should look something like this:
- 2 yellow onions, finely chopped, and fry until dark golden in colour;
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, olive oil, and break the 3 eggs
- Crush a few cloves of garlic and dump them in a nearly finished scrambled eggs.
If you need to, you can expand the number of ingredients, adding ground beef, or tomato slices. The first option is that the dish is satisfaction, and second, it provides an additional b vitamin complex in water.
Recipe with horseradish
The family's Russian horseradish – like plant, which is a good thing for men to function.
The root contains the nutrients that improve the circulation of the blood, and the warning of infectious diseases, the normalization of reproductive functions, which can increase the desire for sex.
First of all, on the regular basis, like kvass help you to solve all problems with the power. - Cook medical the drink, it may be the same as:
- Grind 0.5 kg of roots, and cover it with 1.5 l of purified water in the cold water;
- Leave you in the dark and cold for a week.
- At the end of the time, managed to squeeze in this the juice of 4 small lemons;
- Add 500 g of honey, light on the species.
- Again, to insist 7 days.
- Drinking a 20-g, three times a day, one hour after the ingestion of food.

Loving the tea
Home-made recipes from the love of tea has come down to us in the history. For cooking, use rates, and the herbs, separately.
Naturopathic doctors recommend the use of the rosemary and of the nettle. The first component involved in the treatment of various disorders of sexual orientation, in the second it increases the libido, enhances the production of male sex hormones, stimulate the circulation of blood in genital area, improve the activity of the urinary system.
The people of the recipe of a herbal tea:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of thyme, nettle, peppermint and st john's wort;
- Pour it into a thermos and pour in boiling water up to the rim;
- To wait for 25 minutes to pass through a piece of gauze and pour it in the bowl of the glass;
- Drink it three times a day for a drink.
A useful drink with the soda
Bicarbonate of soda is used in the activation treatment of the sexual dysfunction.
You have several different transports, and healing properties:
- It reduces the process of inflammation in the pelvic area;
- It has in the prevention of cancer;
- It strengthens the immune system;
- The improvement of the metabolism;
- Increases the the circulation of blood in your genitals.
Along with the milk, preparing for a healing drink, and it helps to deal with the nuisance of a power. It is necessary to pre-heat the liquid oxygen in the amount of a cup, and pour on it ½ a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Make a tool you need, every day, after every meal.
For those who are allergic to lactose or simply don't like the taste of milk, there is also the option of a preparation of bicarbonate of soda, and honey. The ratio is 1:3. Product of beekeeping, it is first necessary to heat up the water in the shower. Eat a teaspoon after meals three times a day.
Dishes such as celeriac (celery root)
Vegetables are often included in recipes to boost the power. In particular, the results of the treatment of the sexual violence that shows the celeriac (celery root). With your help, to improve the composition of semen, and includes the erection, activates sexual desire.
To stimulate the excitement that is recommended to cook the following dishes:
- Finely chopped 150 g of celeriac (celery root) and apple to the big. The temple is a blend of the honey with the yogurt. Eat it for breakfast;
- An equal share of the mix in the parsley, then the chopped nuts, and grapes, and all of the components of the pre-grind them. Add the yogurt or sour cream with a minimum fat percentage. Eating a mix of the 2 times a day.
The animals of the drugs honey
The use of honey for men, savvy for a long time already, the tool covers not only populist, but a qualified physician.
The "black gold" for help:
- Alert to the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia;
- To stabilize the condition of the nervous system;
- To improve the circulation of blood in the pelvis;
- To improve the delivery of testosterone;
- To carry out the prevention of infertility.
On the basis of the propolis, is gearing up for the liquor, but also for the plugs:
- 20 g of honey in a blender, put in containers and add 80 ml of pure alcohol. To put it in for a week in a room with no access to light. Stir every 2 days. Consume 30 drops half an hour before each meal. The tool of the race is in a glass of water.
- Melt 100 from animal fat, using a water bath. Add 25 grams of honey and beeswax, which are pre-cut. Stir and cool the pasta. Break into small pieces up to form a candle. For use in the course of the 14-day, 1-night.
The water extracts of Shilajit
The Mineral product that relates to medicinal products which have a beneficial effect on the state of the urinary system, the blood vessels of the organs of digestion.
Shilajit suppress the process of inflammation, regenerating tissues, gives a man strength and energy. Useful water dye, for the recovery of power, which is prepared in the following manner:
- In a mortar and pestle to grind 2 g of the dried Shilajit. Powder, pour 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature. You see, just a 5-minute period, and then move to the education industry. To pass through several layers of gauze and put on clean water, so for a 0.5 l;
- The same amount of raw material, stirring in 500 ml of water, in order to picedit, bring to a boil in a water bath for 30 minutes.
- Pokipyatit, water treatment and cooling them down to 60 degrees. Pour 5 g of the crushed Shilajit. To insist night. Filter through cheesecloth and dilute with water until you get the amount (500 ml).
The tools in the raw material to the plant
The ability of some of the plants, indirectly affect the male libido and the erection quality was seen even in the dawn ages. By increasing the power of herbs, it is possible, under certain conditions.
- a sufficient concentration of an active ingredient (for this purpose, it is advisable to purchase herbal extracts of medicinal plants, pharmacology);
- regular and prolonged intake;
- in the absence of serious pathology, which will have an impact on the output.
The effect will not be as rapid and significant, such as, for example, after an inhibitor of PDE-5, but that's a long time and without negative reactions on the part of the body.
As the stimulant of erectile function, and sex drive in folk medicine, it is recommended for the following plants :
- Tribulus grow close to the ground;
- aloe vera;
- st. john's wort;
- ginseng;
- thyme;
- stinging nettle;
- at the root of the root;
- ivan-tea;
- lemongrass;
- calamus swamp;
- cuscuta;
- the Croatian city of dubrovnik;
- hawthorn;
- the root of gold.
- turkey;
- the oak bark;
- kopeechnik.

The action of the herbs have led to a general increase in muscle tone, activation of the circulation of the blood, oppression of the pathogens, there is the soft regulation in the endocrine and nervous systems.
Simple and effective recipes :
- 100 grams of thyme pour a glass of boiling water and infuse until it has cooled down. Drink it after a meal 2 times a day;
- To 100 g of the ginseng root pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 days and then put it on the fire, nodeixe to simmer for about 40 minutes. The soup cools a bit, add a tablespoon of honey and 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon to drink during the day, after a meal;
- 2 tablespoons of chopped nettle, fresh, pre-scalded leaves of the young people) pour 100 ml of boiling water, infuse for half an hour. Drink comes in 2 times a day, for 20 to 25 minutes prior to a meal.
Bee products
In addition to the habits of the honey, the bees produce a lot of the others are useful for a power supply. perga, propolis, as an example, the drone, and royal jelly. The effect is just a means designed by the quality of the raw material, which is why I purchased it, it is preferable to in-taught to read and write by private keepers.
Perge − fermented bee pollen, and stuck in a cell, and then use it as a food. This product is a high content of bioactive compounds in all of my items (over 200). On to perge, a large number of easy-to-digest protein, vitamins a, B1, B6, B2, D, E, a, D, e, F, and salts of mineral acids, organic acids, hormones and enzymes. Enough of the time-limits for 2 weeks, take one teaspoon, per day (empty stomach) to increase the blood, and strengthen blood vessels, improve the composition of the blood. To improve the potency of the ambrosia they consume just over a month, and then take a break for 2 weeks.
Increase your sex drive at the same time to get rid of impotence help in looking for milk and the blended) – "milk" the larvae of bees and bumblebees. To them, in addition to the vitamins and amino acids and contains steroid hormones, which are secured to the endocrine system of the man. The homogenate stimulates sexual desire by acting as an aphrodisiac, and it also has the ability to recover quickly in the erectile function, improve sperm motility.
The foreign exchange and the acquisition of medicinal products on the basis of bee products, helps improve the performance of the semen analysis, to strengthen the power, tone up, get rid of the symptoms of prostatitis. Through the activation of the function of the sex glands, increases the synthesis of testosterone.